Colour Obsession #405: Rose Gold

I can’t remember exactly when I fell in love with rose gold, but it’s slowly been growing on me and is now in full swing. And with metallics making a full swing comeback (also one of my long time obsessions), I think it’s gonna be a long run for this colour.


Why the obsession? I think it starts with the metallic nature: it’s shiny, it’s not quite gold, but not quite copper either. It’s not overly bombastic (anything gold plated), yet it’s a step above the traditional (cookware). Less gold plated toilets, but more than charity shop beer drinking vessel. Somewhere between gangsta bling and fleamarket handcrafted ring that makes your fingers green. See where I’m going here?

So it was to my utter delight that when my friend asked for birthday invitations, the theme was rose gold. One photoshop 3D text experiment later, we have the design below. This is why I love my job. For any invitations, event branding or just a chat about how much you love rose gold, hit me up!

Haus of West #Sossi30